Saturday, July 9, 2011

Part 7; Bearer of Bad news

Judy knew then and there that despite Nikki's accusations and her own freak out that these two had not 'slept' together yet. But they were indeed getting very serious and she'd need to sit them down for a talk. No need to rush another life into the family quite yet. Maybe they should get a puppy first. She quickly changed into her uniform before heading to the car to wait on Bebe. She was smiling upon her arrival and Judy hated being the bearer of such bad news. 
As she turned the car on Judy spoke. "Bebe Honey, something has happened. Your father's dead, some sort of explosion. And your mom is locked away in her room."

There was no need to worry Bebe on the horrid details of the situation. But Bebe seemed to know. 'Dad went crazy didn't he?"

Judy's silence seemed to confirm it. "That's why I was at your place last night. Ethan asked me out to dinner after my shift at the bookstore. Daddy arrived at the restaurant. He was going crazy. Ethan had gone in to get our food right before daddy showed up. He was acting crazier than normal so I pulled him away from the majority of the people and stayed with him until we finished our dinner. Daddy seemed to realize I wasn't supposed to be there and went crazy accusing me of not caring and horrid things. He said if he caught me out with a guy he'd send me off to boarding school. Like we have the money for that?" She sniffled. 
"I tried my best to calm daddy down, but then he started calling me all these names and saying I was sleeping around with every boy and man in town and then he… He got creepy. I tried to take care of him and mom. I really did. But when he said those things to me. In public! I was mortified. I started running. I was halfway home when I realized I didn't feel safe there. I told Ethan I'd sleep on the couch, but he insisted I take the bed. I was still so worked up I didn't want to fall asleep on my own. I just wanted him to stay with me until I fell asleep. I never…. I mean we've never. I'm a virgin."

Judy squeezed Bebe's hand and chuckled softly. "I know dear. Mom instinct kicked in. I know Nikki is a handful, but when she said you and Ethan, well he's my little boy. I'm sorry you had to be put through so much. I wish I could do more then tell you you're welcomed anytime you want. But with the babies and the twins, Nikki and Ethan our house is chaos on a good day. Ethan does so much around the house. I don't think he knows how grateful we are. Nikki, well between the twins and her I'm always waiting on the police to call. I love all of them, but I can't add yet another child to my household. Not with the house already so full."

"I understand. I'm sorry and I swear nothing happened."

"I know sweetie," Judy said as they reached the house. Two men in white scrubs were standing outside chatting up a storm.

"Yo, doc. Where have you been? We've missed you the last few months."

"Maternity leave, Sammy. Vane, how's the girlfriend?"

Vane laughed dryly. "Gone. Found her in bed with….Oh hi." He seemed to just notice Bebe. "Well she's no more. Now how are we going to do this? It sounds like the woman in there is bat-shit…"

"This is Bebe Hart, their daughter." Judy interrupted. "I think between her and I we can get her out of the room. Bebe do you think you can handle this?"

"I think so," Bebe sighed. She feared what was to come. But she had to be strong.

Sammy is created by  PiB/Nicarra60
Vane is created by Rhett9 who's doing 100 Baby Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Bebe seems to be taking it well so far...not too sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

    Looks like Sammy made a guest-appearance! :)

    Can't wait to see what happens next.
